Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Airun Gem, we love you.

I was really praying that 2010 would have less tears than 2009.  So far we are not off to a good start.

 On February 12, 2010 we lost our first grandchild.  Little Airun Gem was born into my hands many months too early.  Mason and Kathryn were just wrapping their minds around become parents and planning a spring wedding when the 17 week ultrasound showed that this little one would not be joining us after all.  Two days later he made his arrival just past midnight.

Having miscarried three babies myself, I am no stranger to this heart pain, but I was totally unprepared for  the complete love I felt for my grandchild as I gently washed off his little body and handed him to his parents. 
There was something there in those heavy moments that were a gift.  I wanted to be sure that they could honour his life, touch him, kiss him and call him their own.  I wanted them to be able to attach a face to the emptiness and pain they felt.  To be able to grieve, and to heal.

Most women who lose their babies this early never get this opportunity.  Mason and Kathryn plan to bury Airun at Woodlawn Cemetary.  There is a free plot there for pre-born babes.  All of my children, Brad and I and even the great-grandparents are grieving this in their own way.  As you think of them we thank you for your prayers.


  1. Lisa, Brad & family,
    So very sorry for the loss of this precious baby. In times like this there are no words. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    Jason, Jody Jobse

  2. so very saddened by your loss, you are in my thoughts.

  3. Lisa, I am so sorry to be reading this. I kept reading little comments of facebook but wasn't sure what it was all about. Feb 12th is my Andrew's angel day, so it's near and dear to my heart. My prayers are with you and your family.

  4. Mason & Kathryn, Lisa, Brad and boys,
    I'm so sad to hear of this. Please know that I'm thinking about you all.

  5. this is kat.
    though i am happy to see you all care i really wish i could have told people once my body and mind had healed a small bit please don't think of my comment as rule i'm just a little embarassed by the fact that so many people know of the pain i am suffering i'm not used to so many prayers and so many people caring and saying sorry. I come from a world so different were you keep your pain to yourself and grieve quietly.

    thanks all of you who have Airun Gem my son my love and little beautiful life in your prayers
