Sunday, July 12, 2009

Worship in China Continued...

The architecture at the temple of Heaven and Earth also had several interesting features. The original structures were built in 1420, but were destroyed and then rebuilt in 1896. The original roof had three tiers; the only roof like it in all China. Each layer and it's colour was symbolic of some part of the relationship between the god of heaven and earth, the emperor and the people of China.The top tier represented the god, and was blue like the skies. The second tier was to represent the emperor as the earthly son of the god and the colour yellow was used. Yellow was reserved only for imperial families. The third tier was for the common people and was the colour the outer court there is also an intriguing circular platform. it was used for prayer ceremonies that symbolized bring the emperor the closest to god of all the people. There is a raised 1meter mound in the middle of the circle which is about 30m wide. When you stand on this mound and speak in any direction your voice echoes back to you from all sides. There is a similar feature on the inner court where you can stand anywhere on the outskirts of the 200m wide court and speak quietly, but you will be heard on the opposite side of the court easily. Makes it hard to keep secrets for sure!

I want to learn more about the Chinese history and culture with each passing day. The little I knew is proving to be completely inadequate, and everything I learned thus far intrigues me even more. I think I have pulled on a really long string this time! I will start by reading up on every place I have visited once I get home.

Now that was the worship lesson from the past. I also observed what I think is the worship lesson of the present- The Silk Market! Here too we had an inner and outer court. Once inside it was very difficult to get out, as everyone serving in this temple is there to fill not your desire to be close to God, but your desire for things that make you feel like one. The sacrifices here are only $$$ and time. Your $$$ and Your time to be sure, but all sacrificed to the god of I-WANT.

Everything in the Temple of Heaven was about being close to god, and praying for good harvests for the people of the country. Lavish gifts and burnt offerings were presented to god by the people and the emperor. Everything about the silk market was about providing for yourself with the least possible sacrifice, getting a good deal and boasting about it all later. Every advertisement was meant to uphold the materialistic ideals of the North American economy. There in the middle of a huge market full of CHINESE people and a few tourists, all the posters had photos of blonde women and their children. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. Tragic.

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